Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Posted by Anmol Sharma
Java provides File class in ‘java.io’ package for handling all basic and necessary file operations and methods used for file handling like reading the contents of a file, writing to a file, searching for a file, determining the path of the file stored on a disk, etc. File class contains number of methods for performing specific operations on a file, few of which are used in this article.

In this program, the user is checking for the existence of a particular file stored on system’s hard disk. File class of Java IO package has been used to provide access to methods like exists(), getName() which checks for the file and if found returns the message else gives user defined message.

import java.io.File; //file class for basic file operations

class FileHandlingTrial{
         public static void main(String[] args) {
  File asp = new File("C:\\file\\info.txt"); // constructor takes the path of the file already existing on the system
             if(asp.exists()) // built in method to test whether a specified file exists or not.
                        System.out.println(asp.getName() + "File Found"); // prints the message along with file name
                        System.out.println("File Not Found");

In the previous program we checked for an already created file on the system. We can also create a file using the program with help of facilities provided by java.io package

import java.util.*;

class FileHandlingTrial{
                public static void main(String[] args) {
                                final Formatter asp; //formatter print strings to file

                                      asp = new Formatter("c://file//trial.txt"); //provide path of file where it will be stored
                                                System.out.println("File Created");
                                catch(Exception e){
                             System.out.println("Error"); // for possible mistyping of wrong or illegal folder location like specifying a drive which does not exist on system.

In the next article which will be part 2 of file handling, reading from a file and writing to a file will be discussed. Thanks folks for reading. 

Screenshot // click to open a higher resolution version


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